Antifa Bonn/Rhein-Sieg

The Radical Right in the United States

In the United States, the campaign of Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump has been a huge catalyst for the radical right. Patriot movement paramilitaries publicly brandish weapons to force the privatization of public lands and intimidate Muslims and refugees. Rightists are attacking Black Lives Matter protests with firearms, and violence has skyrocketed at counter-protests against fascists. White Nationalism is having its biggest growth in decades, and now includes new faces: intellectuals, hipsters, prison gangs, and Third Positionists.

Spencer Sunshine will talk about the landscape of the U.S. radical right, what is driving it, and how the presidential election might affect it. Dr. Spencer Sunshine ( is an antifascist researcher based in Brooklyn, New York. His articles have appeared in Jungle World, Der Rechte Rand, Public Eye, and Truthout. Follow him on twitter: @transform6789.

Donnerstag, 27.10 um 19:30 im Buchladen Le Sabot

Eine Veranstaltung von ASJ Bonn und Antifa Bonn/Rhein-Sieg

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